Using visuals to follow directions: My Lego LadybugĪs a 'Getting-to-Know-You' activity for the beginning of the school year, our class enjoys playing 'My Friends Bingo'.Using Reflective and Tell Me Questions as a Part of Shared Reading Instruction.The Write Stuff: Writing and Spelling with LessonPix.The Smart Alternative to Boardmaker® software.Talking Core with Different Levels of Communicators.Supporting English Language Learners with LessonPix.
Storybook Activities: Room on the Broom.Sight Words! Activities to Build Speed and Fluency in Reading.Literacy For All with Readtopia and LessonPix.Lesson Plan: The Mitten-Story Characters and Sequence.LessonPix to Support Students in Underrepresented Groups.Emergent Literacy Instruction: Building Alphabet Knowledge with ABC Books.Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom: Part 3 The Temporal Environment.Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom: Part 2 The Social-Emotional Environment.Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom: Part 1 The Physical Environment.A Step Ahead: Beginning the Year with Proactive Discipline.9 Ways to Promote Social Interactions with LessonPix.7 Effective Strategies for the General Education Classroom and How LessonPix Can Help.